City Innovation Platform

With City Innovation Platform (CIP), Civity offers an integrated solution for data logistics and data management in the broadest sense. With the DataPlatform as foundational support, the other modules build upon this by adding additional functionalities for common data challenges.

The different modules of the City Innovation Platform.

6 modules for different data management needs

  • DataPlatform & DataFactory. The ultimate combination for structured and standardized conversion and storage of data.
  • DataCatalog. The solution for optimal data management within your own organization. It helps data owners and administrators to describe, maintain and visualize the data and information products in a structured way.
  • SensorData. One location for collecting all sensor data within your municipality. One example of this is Sniffer Bike that send fine dust values and locations to the City Innovation Platform.
  • OpenData. Your own website for publishing open data in a structured manner.
  • DataSafe. The solution to share (sensitive) data in a reliable and secure way.
  • Smart Reporting. For transparency and insight into the process of public space reporting.

All modules are offered as a cloud service in a managed environment, based on open-source software and open standards (Openstack, Openshift, FIWARE). Part of the service is an Acceptance and Production environment. Civity is ISO27001 certified.

Civity joins (inter)national agreements

The sharing of data produced by objects, organisations and residents goes beyond the level of an individual city. Sharing is necessary to develop new services and applications. Civity takes care of the underlying infrastructure and logistics as a kind of utility. CIP is a generic, reusable solution, based on standards and open APIs. So that everyone can use it and connect to it.

The City Innovation Platform is in line with the FIWARE architecture. FIWARE is an open ecosystem to stimulate the innovation of new services. This is done through open-source building blocks, application of open standards and standardized data models. FIWARE is being embraced by cities worldwide because it encourages the scalability and exchange of solutions. 

CIP embraces the standards and open APIs:

  • the OGC Webservices
  • the FIWARE datamodels
  • the TM Forum API-standards
The FIWARE Foundation is a European initiative to create an open innovation environment.
TM Forum is an organization that focuses on standards and open APIs for smart cities.

Getting started

Based on your needs and desires, you can get started with any CIP module:

  • For transparency and/or compliance with legislations on Open Data, get started with the module OpenData
  • In order to provide insight into available data within the organization, the module  DataCatalogus is a suitable starting point
  • As all building blocks are based on the same open technology, it is possible to expand by adding any other module, at any moment.

Discover the advantages for your organisation

Would you like to get started quickly with open data in your organisation? Interested in a demo? Civity likes to collaborate with you. Call +31 30 697 32 86 or mail to

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