European collaboration in the field of water management

Civity participates in the European H2020 project SCOREwater in which we work together with residents, knowledge institutes and companies to get a better grip on water management with data and technology. Together we increase the resilience of cities and the living environment to the consequences of climate change.

SCOREwater acts on climate change
SCOREwater develops and tests three large-scale demonstration cases in (see pdf’s >) Amersfoort, Barcelona and Göteborg for the collection, calculation and presentation of various data tailored to our stakeholders.
SCOREwater in Amersfoort would focus on improving the detection of flash floods while reducing environmental impacts through:
- Prediction models and early warning systems for flash floods.
- Decision-tool (case-based reasoning) for reducing environmental impact considering risks, economic, operational and environmental information.
In the ‘Amersfoort Smart City’ programme, we are investigating how the use of data and technology makes a ‘water smart’ society possible.
A collaboration between the Future City Foundation, HydroLogic, Civity, the water board and the municipality of Amersfoort.
SCOREwater in Barcelona would focus on reducing wastewater management problems with the vision of improving public health:
- Predicting sewer clogging.
- User behavior profiling and analysis in order to correlate behavior with water quality measurements, and subsequent actions to mitigate health risks and hazardous events.
SCOREwater in Göteborg would focus on managing water pollution in the industrial sector by:
- The prediction of water pollution based on the combination of meteorological data and water quality sensors
- Predictive maintenance of local water treatment equipment
Civity shares knowledge with SCOREwater partners and beyond
We increase resilience to flooding through sensing and hydrological modelling in combination with urban hydraulic engineering. We will identify best practices for the development and use of digital services. This will enable us to target not only our project partners but also stakeholders in the water sector.
The project will also develop technologies to increase public involvement in water management. In addition, SCOREwater will deliver an innovation ecosystem driven by the financial savings in both maintenance and operation of water systems. Using SCOREwater’s digital services, which offer new business opportunities for SMEs in the water and ICT sectors.
The name SCOREwater is based on Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management.

Read more?
EBU Economic Board Utrecht News 10-10-19
AD nieuws, Ruud van Slooten 15-10-19