Connect sensors to one location with Sensor Data

The amount of data that becomes available through sensors increases exponentially. Think of data on air quality, the number of places available in bicycle sheds, the degree of filling of underground containers or the groundwater level in monitoring wells.

The SensorData module allows the storage of all data generated, in a structured manner at one central point. This data is then ready for combining with other data sources and use in dashboards and applications.

Why the module SensorData from the Civity Innovation Platform?

  • Securely collect, standardise and store data
  • Suitable for any type of sensor
  • Common Data Models, such as FIWARE
  • Adding related data for further analyses
  • Civity can collect, standardize and unlock data in different formats, such as FIWARE NGSI format and OGC Webservices API
  • Civity can process data from different networks, such as LoRa, Wifi, 3G/4G and Bluetooth
  • Make data available through APIs for use in dashboards and applications

By means of a generic, standardized way, the datasets can easily be further disclosed or published as Open Data via the designated module.

Example projects

Various types of sensors can be linked to SensorData. An overview of existing connected sensors can be found here (in Dutch). Is the desired sensor not (yet) listed? Feel free to contact us and discuss the possibilities via

With the air quality sensor we have developed a more extensive application called Sniffer Bike.

Data offers advantages for your organisation

Do you also want to get started with data in your organisation? Interested in a demo? Civity likes to think along with you. Call +31 30 697 32 86 or mail to

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